Acrostic on Posh Shtick

Sultry, provocative gestures…

Open-mindedness so soothing.

Philosophers and cha-cha instructors alike:

Hypnotized by the dirty dancing…

Imitating the steps that they could…

Sombreness completely alienated here

Though the outfits indicate otherwise

Impeccably tailored midnight black tuxedos and gowns

Characterize the masked attendees…

Always a dead giveaway.

Trapped by nurture, tapered by nature

Exuding the orthodox denotation of class

Deliberately…uncovering society’s tangled loom.

Ethereal Dilemma

Never will you.

Never should you.

See the likes




Heavens no!

Hell might give an affirmation then?

It is a fusion.

It cannot leave Earth

Elijah’s chariot of fire was

Sacrilege one way

Destruction another

Doomed in a third space till…

Until a religious King Arthur came?

Merlin himself?

Both to unite the sides and restore balance

Fire and brimstone

It shall be smoke and wood

There shall be tranquility

Still the chariot lies visible

Disappearing occasionally

Merely a defence mechanism

Then comes the age-old question…

To be or not to be?


Pro-cane intensifies the pain…

Procaine soothes the pain…

White lines scattered

All across,

Engraved even.


Into pores.


Into pores.


Into pores.

Caused by which caine?

Or was it Cain?

Irresponsibly wise…

Does it matter?

Matter? Yes that’s what they are.

What they do.

Grey strikes,

Belfort sniffs.


Christian in partnership with Jordan.

A rich religious flow.

Forcing many a horse to the trough…

Non-consensual consent.

“Whip the light into them”

“Let the box of snuff aid you”

“It is a drug in every sense, no?”

“Snuff the torch completely”

Gustatory stimulus…

Olfactory tingles…

Yes factory…

Assemble them.

Put them back together…





The clock struck twelve

Those online did not halve

But they doubled

Perhaps this is the time

That people suddenly become untroubled

Free from the restraints

Of their life that is actually a mime
From any constraints
Facing writer’s block
Gradual memory lock
Don’t make divisions
Engage in decisions
Don’t take cover
Jump over
Enjoying your throne?
Think of it as a stepping stone
Cliche? Paragon?
Name it
Rate it
I am already gone

Woes of Having a Way With Words


Why are we able to understand the theory of quantum mechanics, perform a Bechdel test because we need to prove a point even substantiating that point through Socratic irony and later reflect and realise that it was due to Hawthorne’s effect that we performed that experiment in the first place? We are also able to identify a Freudian slip, have the decency to point it out and ensure that it is in our short-term memory.Then after this whole charade, you realise that you still cannot commit that one-lined Math formula to memory.

Hazy Clarity


Semblance of a night riddled with beer,

Choking hold of the atmosphere…

Nostalgic drones…possibly déjà vu;

Inciting a mood so startlingly blue.


Less prone to a fatal tumble…

Less likely to unconsciously fumble,

A term as risque as meth

Seems to incite so pure an epithet.


Perhaps the mating call of a Minotaur,

A shriek rougher than undried leather,

Will be enough to overpower the weather…

A tactic as unlikely as a liaison with a metamour.


Need I hear a pause?

A discernible attempt to outline a clause?

Oh my…approaching crescendo.

Way less subtlety than a nun’s innuendo.

Sonnet IX


Her actions, triggered by food

Antithesis of the scorned lass…

Forbidden fruit, the lower class…altered her mood,

She termed them more intriguing than her average mass,

By all standards she was quite wanton,

That age’s definition of a malfunction,

A Victorian rendition of Straight Outta Compton,

Society’s woeful attempt to hide a dysfunction.

To their despair she wasn’t merely an excerpt,

A segment meant to be relevant only in matrimony,

Unfocused, oblivious and inept…

Not worthy to collect alimony.

Instead, she was blatantly explicit,

No subtlety or nuances, unapologetically illicit.